Xoom owners might still be waiting for an LTE upgrade, but it
does look like 4G netbooks and tablets could be hitting Verizon's network pretty soon. The carrier, known for its stringent testing standards, has cleared Novatel Wireless' E362 module to run on its network, paving the way for devices with embedded 4G radios. In addition to LTE, the module is compahttp://www.engadget.com/2011/05/20/4g-netbook-onslaught-imminent-as-verizon-clears-novatel-lte-radi/tible with CDMA and HSPA+ / UMTS technology -- a safety net for people outside the 55 markets (soon to be 147) where Verizon is serving up 4G service. Okay, so with no word on pricing or product launches, an onslaught isn't exactly
imminent, but when it happens we'll try not to say "told you so."
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