As many of us know, handwriting allows you to put part of your soul in
what you write, much more than typing it on a display. Touchwriter HD
is an application for Ipad (but Aesthology has it also for Iphone and
Ipod) that allows you to touch write notes. With it, you don’t type
letters, but you draw them with your fingers (or stylus) uppercase,
lowercase. You can easily slip in emoticons and create a quick
checklist, and to keep track of your notes you dispose of a running list. You  can also change settings (like changing the color of your
virtual ink, or it’s width, and so on) and drag images on a note and comment them.
But, more interesting, you can also export what you have “handwritten” and upload it on Google, Docs, Evernote, Twitter and others... or send them as an email. If you have saved an URL on one of your notes, you
can pick up a digital keyboard and type it out. With Touchwriter, writing is more personal, and less “cold” that tapping types. Just be careful, because the touch field is very sensitive, and by the first time it’s difficult to write with it, at least without a stylus. With this app you don’t only take notes, but can also send personalized messages, love letters and so on in a more personal way, sending to the people you love something more than cold types. For more details visit the Apple site


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