Review : Palm Pre Plus

With so many new phones being introduced every second it becomes difficult to understand which ones are the best. But one phone which deserves our serious attention is known as Palm Pre Plus. This phone has everything you need to keep you updated with your fast paced life. It features a touch screen and a Qwerty shaped key board which slides out. It has a beautiful shape and is nice to hold.

The best thing about Palm Pre Plus is that you can do a number of activities at the same time. Like checking  your mails, checking your schedule, meeting or  anything you like with out having to close any of those activities. You can easily view  all your contacts on just one page whether they are on any social network  or just saved contacts on your cell phone. There are also a number of applications which you can choose from and download them. This is one of the reasons why this phone is better than others because it features the best of the latest technology out there.


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