One of the latest editions to X box 3 games includes the 3rd halo game which closely follows the 2nd halo. It has a great story line and and introduces amazing features which will force you to get rid of Halo 2. Halo 3 allows four players to operate and enjoy the game.
The use of weapons, grenades and melee attack provides a certain balance and is easy to use. Halo 3 also introduces new weapons like brute. A great example of this is the spiker gun which shoots at lightning speed destroying the enemy in no time.
Some weapons are very large and also slow down the speed of the player and the best part about this is that you can get a view of your cannons and missiles with the help of a camera that provides a third persons perspective. The introduction of heavy vehicles in Halo 3 makes the game more interesting and fun to play. Halo 2 was also criticized for its stories but Halo 3 dose not face any of these issues which truly makes it a great buy,
The use of weapons, grenades and melee attack provides a certain balance and is easy to use. Halo 3 also introduces new weapons like brute. A great example of this is the spiker gun which shoots at lightning speed destroying the enemy in no time.

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